You must ensure that it has been tested by a third-party laboratory. Legitimate CBD vendors usually place their lab reports on their websites. These lab reports will usually determine or confirm if the product can be safely used. You must always look for a valid Certificate of Analysis (lab report)when purchasing any CBD product. You must also ensure that it follows all FDA standards. Currently, there is no quality or content control on the CBD products sold in the public consumer market. In addition, because CBD has become more mainstream and its industry is growing at a rapid pace, there have now been hundreds—or even thousands—of new brands in the market in the past few years alone. Unfortunately, this has attracted companies who are looking to make fast cash. Without established industry standards, the quality of CBD products is inconsistent. Unlabeled CBD products are commonplace and, even worse, instances of harmful knock-offs have been reported. This is why reputable CBD companies such as Soothing Solutions have been displaying complete company information, declaring their production practices, and proffering product contents through lab reports. Although not required by all companies, lab testing CBD products for potency is important to put them to test and provide information to consumers, proving that their products contain the legal amount of THC. This is also to confirm that the products contain 100% CBD oil and have no other additives added. If a CBD company is willing to be completely transparent on its products and its contents, then this could reassure consumers when purchasing their items.. Understanding the lab results does not only clear any confusion about its contents but it could also give a better understanding about what is going on in the body when the contents are being taken.
Important Note: Please be informed that some companies only provide their lab reports upon purchase. You can always request to review lab reports. All Soothing Solutions formulations are third-party full-panel lab tested by an ISO Certified Laboratory to ensure that they are free of pesticides, heavy metals microbials, and mycotoxins and are within 15% of the stated potency. A full panel lab test provides information about the number of cannabinoids present, as well as other factors, such as the presence of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals. Without a full panel third-party lab tests, companies could not claim that they contain any number of the ingredients in their products. Click on the “Lab Results” section of any listed product to view the complete testing information so you know that what is printed on the label is inside the bottle 100% of the time.
Before purchasing a CBD product
Why Does It Matter?
Reputable CBD companies
Soothing Solutions on Being Lab Tested