Learn About CBD
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of at least 85 known phytocannabinoids found in the hemp plant. Lately, it seems that it’s all anyone is talking about, and with good reason! This compound is completely non-psychoactive and has been shown to have tremendous potential for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and relaxing properties. Countless companies and organizations are touting CBD as a miracle drug, and it can be difficult to know what to believe.
So, CBD won’t make me high?
No. A cannabis plant is made up of two main players, called CBD and THC. CBD is the non-psychoactive part of the plant. THC, however, is the component that makes you “high,” as it has psychoactive properties.
How Does It Work?
Cannabinoids, or phytocannabinoids, can interact with the brain and the body through the endocannabinoid system (ECS). While THC and other cannabinoids act straightly on the cannabinoid receptors in the ECS, CBD is somewhat different. It stimulates the ECS to develop its own cannabinoids. Also, it decelerates their breakdown by preventing the FAAH enzyme, meaning the endocannabinoids can stay longer in your body.
The ECS in the body can help regulate functions such as immune system responses, sleep, and pain. When the body receives THC, it produces the feeling of being “high,” affecting the brain’s endocannabinoid receptions. As a result, it activates the brain’s reward system and produces pleasure chemicals such as dopamine.
What are the benefits of CBD?
Today, scientists and doctors around the world have tested and confirmed the therapeutic properties of CBD. This safe and non-addictive substance can give therapeutic benefits to people suffering from insomnia, anxiety, joint pain, and more. Taking or using a CBD-enriched product can enhance your body’s ability to maintain balance and manage physical and emotional stress. It is also known to have many therapeutic properties and is particularly effective for maintaining focus and offering pain management. It also helps in recovery from conditions.
What symptoms does CBD treat?
Although the use of cannabis has been criminalized in the past, better research and information about the drug has revealed that it has a myriad of uses. It is able to treat and provide relief to a variety of symptoms, for example.
Cannabinoids, the chemical compound secreted by cannabis, work by imitating compounds that the body naturally produces. These compounds activate to maintain the body’s internal stability and health. Simply put, through the cannabinoids compound, cannabis can mediate communication between the cells, thereby alleviating unpleasant physical symptoms.
Once a person consumes cannabis, the cannabinoids bind to receptor sites throughout the brain and body. Depending on the kind of cannabinoid consumed, the body will experience different effects.
Given that there are different kinds of cannabinoids, medical cannabis is recognized to have a wide medical value. These different forms of cannabinoids are able to treat different kinds of symptoms as shown by the illustration from Leafly Holdings, Inc.
What to Look for When Shopping for CBD
There are hundreds of CBD brands at this point—and counting. So, when you are shopping for CBD, here are some things to keep in mind.
What the label looks like
The CBD product must have a back panel with an FDA disclaimer or warning section. It should also be ideal if the consumer has access to the third-party lab testing results.
If it is lab-tested
When shopping for CBD products, make sure the company’s products are lab tested by a third party to confirm the accuracy of the label.
If it claims that it cures any diseases
Have you read that it cures ailments on the label? Pass it. You should avoid shopping for CBD products that make claims such as these as there is no proven research that they cure illnesses.
Soothing Solutions on CBD
Our company is not here to make any claims, but the feedback we have received is overwhelming. We encourage you to experiment and see if CBD products are right for you! CBD is shown to have tremendous potential for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and relaxing properties. Countless companies and organizations are touting CBD as a miracle drug, and it can be difficult to know what to believe. Learn more about our client reviews.